Online dating stories - Page 2

‘Freaky’ Aussies are ready for holographic dating
Fri, 24th Nov 2017
3d printing
Aussies are embracing 3D tech for health, social life, and even dating, with 37% of men keen on using 3D scans on dating sites, new Sony research finds.

How your online dating profile can be traced back to your workplace
Tue, 15th Aug 2017
email security
trend micro
Online dating apps can go beyond the world of personal matchmaking and be used at weapons for cyber attacks against corporate organisations.

A Tinder app us peasants will never get to use
Mon, 1st May 2017
online dating
Celebrity crushes could be so much more than a crush. All you have to do is be any two of famous, attractive, and rich.

Lovers, be careful of dating apps this Valentine’s Day
Tue, 14th Feb 2017
email security
risk & compliance
Beware of malicious dating apps targeting users around Valentine's Day, warns digital risk management firm RiskIQ.

Bad experiences for almost 70 percent of Kiwi online daters - tips for success
Mon, 13th Feb 2017
online dating
If you’re planning to find your Mr or Mrs Right online, then it would pay to take note of the Norton Online Dating Survey first.

Online daters beware: Valentine's Day scammers in full swing
Mon, 13th Feb 2017
online dating
Valentine's Day may not be as rosy as it seems, with a rise in online dating scams, warns ESET researcher Nick Fitzgerald. Stay cautious.

Did Mark Zuckerberg ruin romance?
Tue, 4th Oct 2016
social media
online dating
Connecting with a new love interest on Facebook can doom a relationship, according to a survey from dating site

What we learned from our crazy Kiwi Tinder experiment
Fri, 2nd Sep 2016
online dating
With a maximum distance of 80kms, his gender preference set for Women and an age range of 18-29, Intern G was all set to go.

Kiwis not so shallow, according to finding love survey
Fri, 12th Feb 2016
online dating
colmar brunton
valentine's day
New Zealanders value honesty and a sense of humor over good looks and intelligence in a romantic partner, says Colmar Brunton.

Police warning Kiwis about extortion on sex websites
Mon, 31st Aug 2015
online dating
Waikato Police warn users of adult internet sites of potential extortion as fraudsters prey on New Zealanders, demanding cash for explicit footage.

How to protect your privacy when you're dating online
Mon, 16th Feb 2015
online dating
The increasing popularity of online dating services in New Zealand has caught the attention of scammers. Here's how to outwit and outlast the scammers.

9 apps to help you survive Valentine’s Day
Fri, 13th Feb 2015
digital entertainment
personal computing devices
Dodge the Valentine's Day blues with 9 savvy apps for lovebirds and singles alike – from flirty games to solo adventures.

Why Bristlr has nothing on Tinder, despite the beards
Thu, 29th Jan 2015
online dating
Bristlr, the beard-centric dating app, fails to match Tinder's charm or user base, leaving beard lovers swiping in disappointment.

Move over Tinder, the beards have arrived
Fri, 9th Jan 2015
online dating
Beard lovers rejoice as Bristlr, the UK's latest dating app, connects those fond of facial fuzz with proud beard owners.

Former Tinder worker to launch rival dating app after suing for sexual harrassment
Wed, 26th Nov 2014
social networking
online dating
It's a social discovery app where users will never get unwanted matches and unlike other apps, Bumble suggests matches based on more ‘relevant signals’.

Digital dating - The next step...
Tue, 22nd Apr 2014
online dating
We got to talking about how internet dating isn’t so much an issue as it once was, and it got me to thinking about where dating was headed.

How to find love online
Wed, 1st Feb 2012
online dating
Online dating has quickly become a popular way to meet friends and potential partners. Find out how works in this interview.